

Because of circumstances out of my control, I would not be in service of the United States. I was crushed. I was devastated. My life was upended. I wanted to run away to take music lessons in Argentina or live on the beach in Taiwan. However,  I knew I wanted (and I needed) to come home to Pocatello.

Upon my return, I decided that I would make the most positive change I could, and be in service to those around me. I started with those closest to me as my sister and I helped run our family's business when I was only 23. I then looked to my community and got involved in knocking on doors for moderate candidates in 2022. 

I know what it is like to want to leave but I am overwhelmed by a greater want to make Pocatello a place where young, talented, and adaptable members of my generation want to live. 

After graduating from Century high school I left Pocatello to pursue a broad education, returning for holidays and the occasional summer. I earned a master’s degree in Strategy from Johns Hopkins University and I planned to work abroad with the Foreign Service. 

Everything changed during the final semester of my Master’s program when a hiring freeze was instituted at the U.S. Foreign Service Office. I would no longer be able to even apply for the opportunity I had been working so hard for. 

My Story: Part 1 of 4



In 2021, I watched with disdain as extremists ran for our local offices. In 2022, I was astonished when they ran again for the state legislature. I decided I had enough and got involved in canvassing, knocking on doors, and talking to the people of Pocatello about the issues that mattered to them and making sure they had a plan to vote. 

While I canvassed, I learned about city concerns. Concerns like losing representation, lack of transparency, and a fear of extremism in government. I knocked on over 1000 doors and these feelings were consistent across those I talked to.

After talking to so many of my fellow citizens, I knew I needed to do something. Talking to my fellow citizens across Pocatello I learned that the average Pocatellan is hard-working, cares about their fellow citizens, and wants their children to see a future in Pocatello. At the end of the day, I know that the people of Pocatello want to see their tax dollars spent reasonably and in their interests and also know their voices are heard.

My Story: Part 2 of 4



My Story: Part 3 of 4

Since I was a kid, I loved to imagine and draw different maps of the United States. I would change the shapes and sizes of the states, but I always kept Idaho in the center. Even at an early age, I knew Idaho was my home.

I left Idaho to pursue my education and career, but I always knew I would return someday. Pocatello was where I grew up, where I learned to value hard work, honesty, and community. I want to give back to the city that gave me so much.

That's why I'm running for City Council. I want to improve the quality of life for all Pocatellans. I want to address the opioid crisis that is hurting our families and neighborhoods. I have seen overdoses in our community with no help readily available. I want to ensure every trained hand has access to Naloxone, a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose. I also want to stand up for local control and oppose any state mandate limiting our local ability to deal with this or other pressing issues.

I want to facilitate the development of Pocatello’s historic old town, a treasure of our city. I want to preserve its charm and character while attracting new businesses and visitors. I want to make Pocatello a destination for culture, entertainment, and commerce.

I want to make Pocatello a place where young people can afford to live and work. I knew how hard it is to find decent and affordable housing in this city even before I knocked on over 1000 doors. I met a young couple who couldn't even afford a small rental apartment. They had to move in with their parents, which was not ideal for them or their parents. They had to put off their newly independent life together in an effort to keep a roof over their head. I want to create more affordable housing options for people like them so they can have their own space and dignity.

I want to make Pocatello a place where young people can find better-paying jobs. I know how hard it is to compete in today's economy. I want to retain ISU students and capitalize on Gov. Little’s Launch Program, which will incentivize students with $8,000 to pursue traditional four-year degrees or technical education to join the blue-collar workforce. Or, if they leave, I want them to have a reason to return like me.

I'm proud to be Pocatello and want you to be proud too. Together, we can make Pocatello a better place for everyone.



My Story: Part 4 of 4

Hello, Pocatello, thank you for making it this far. I'm Hayden Paulsen and I'm running for City Council.

I grew up in Pocatello and I love this city. Some of my fondest memories are of exploring Idaho with my dad, who would check me out of school for weeks to go hunting. We had amazing adventures, like the time we lost our keys around the Salmon area elk hunting when a blizzard was coming in and we were worried we’d have to sleep under the truck or with our llamas, Batman and Yancy. Luckily, we found the keys the next day and I made it back in time to take a middle school math test.

These experiences taught me to be independent, resourceful, and resilient. They also gave me a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity of our state and region. But I also wanted to see more of the world, so I left Pocatello after high school and lived in different places like Shanghai, DC, LA, and more. I learned a lot from these places, but I also realized that Pocatello is my home and I wanted to come back.

I came back because I believe Pocatello can be better. We have so much potential as a city, but we need to plan for the future and not just react to the present. We need to be proactive and innovative in addressing our challenges and opportunities. We need to be transparent and accountable in our decision-making and governance. We need to be inclusive and respectful of our diverse community and individual needs.

That's why I'm running for City Council. I want to bring a fresh perspective and new energy to our city leadership. I want to work with you to create a long-term strategic plan that reflects our vision and values as a city and community. I want to make Pocatello a place where everyone can thrive and feel welcome.

Since you read this far, can I count on you to support our vision for Pocatello?

Vote for Hayden Paulsen

Vote for Hayden Paulsen